Without Borders is an evolving digital project and physical exhibition aimed at bringing together communities and artists from around the world, curated by Jonathan Powell, elysium gallery Director and Heather Parnell, co-editor of 1SSUE artist books.
Starting in elysium gallery in Swansea, South Wales 26 June - 27 July 2021, the book will travel to North Wales, Japan, USA (3 venues), Venice and Canada.
Artists and poets include: Susan Adams, Morag Colquhoun, Lyndon Davies, Allen Fisher, Penny Hallas, Richard Harris, Steven Hitchins, Sally Mathews, Sarah Rhys, Christopher Twigg and Tessa Waite.
Without Borders seeks to remove barriers, create alliances, and connect with neighbours. It aims to bring artists together from around the world, to collaborate in an international touring exhibition of works on paper – a collection of artists pages. These will be displayed free standing on slotted shelves and ‘island stands’.