occupying the in-between, 29 may 2020, 3-8pm est

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My video Amantes (Lovers) is presented at Occupying the In-Between, a daylong disruption of the framework of an academic research conference.

The In-Between is the suggestion of a space that acts as the convergence of praxis and survival for creating collaborative restorative moments.

This space is an interstitial space, a loophole of retreat in the spirit of Harriet Jacobson and Simone Leigh. In these spaces, the individual has the opportunity to explore their sense of occupying presence in the now moments while letting their body fall away.

This event is part of the Transmission series organized by the Mountain of Art Research (MARs) located at Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, and is generously funded by the CHASE research consortium.

For more info please visit us at the below link.




